Thursday, March 15, 2007


Due to a sudden lack of spare time, I've not been able to do much digging around lately, so I really have nothing to add right now. Stay tuned, and I hope to be able to provide an update in the near future. I have a break from school in a few weeks—I should have more research by then.

When I haven't been studying JAVA development and network security, I've been reading Children of the Holocaust by Helen Epstein. It's a fascinating, and at times wrenching, read. While my father was not directly victimized by the Holocaust (to my knowledge), it does give some very clear insights into the psychology of those who lived during that era. It also shows how these events have effected those of my generation who grew up with this history hanging over our heads.

Thanks for your patience, and please check back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My grandfather, Grygorczyk, and family were sent to forced labor in Camp Weiden, I believe, in 1946 after the Germans bombed their town near Warsaw. His vocation was a railroad engineer which the Germans found useful. In 1947, my mother was pregnant with me at this camp but was transferred from there before I was born. It was another camp (don't have the info in front of me) but it was near Amberg. I do have a group photo with some people (including mom and grandpa) at the Camp Weiden entryway. I would be happy to share it if you wish.